Tyler Ruggiero – Lead Vocalist/Acoustic Rhythm Guitarist

The voice of Nostalgia Lane has always shown interest in music; however didn’t really
pick up playing music (guitar) seriously until 2015. Flashback to middle and high school; he was
writing poetry for friends and family, which later corresponds directly with his influence on
writing music. He would constantly be practicing every chance he got, mostly playing the
country songs he grew up with and knew best. As the years progressed, so did his music interest.
He began playing around the campfire and playing live for others to enjoy, and even playing
music with others at open mics and “jam sessions” at his friend’s houses. Eventually expanding
his playing genres to “rock and roll”.

In 2019, Tyler began to write his own songs and music. He began expanding his poetry
and stories into writing songs. This led to the creation of Tyler’s soft rock EP Called: “For You”
which was recorded and released in 2021. He also recorded an acoustic cover of Lord Hearons –
The Night We Met. Tyler played acoustic guitar and drums in all 10 songs he recorded,
expressing his stories through music. Tyler collaborated with his sister (Emma Ruggiero) and
friends on a couple of tracks as he began expanding his vocal range to where it is today. Some
say he has a very unique voice as it can be pure and calming, to rocky and raspy with the ability
to control it at a given time.

Now let’s fast forward to 2022, when the stars align. Nostalgia Lane was looking to add a
secondary male vocalist to perform harmonies and sing additional songs. This would allow more
of a variety having a male and a female vocalist. Eric had gone onto Facebook and put out an
advertisement on the one of the New Hampshire Musician Forums. The post was added the same
day that Tyler joined that same forum in search of joining a cover band fitting the criteria. Tyler
scheduled a time to audition for the role and meet with the rest of the band. Tyler said “I was
really nervous, I had only jammed with friends before and had never really played in a band that
was practicing to play out for people.” There had been some others that auditioned for the role as
well, but none fit the criteria as well as Tyler did. The band reached back out to Tyler to let him
know the good news! Shortly after, the band faced a small setback. The lead vocalist stepped
down and could no longer commit the time to Nostalgia Lane. The rest of the band was unsure
where to go from there; Tyler was still brand new to the band and was only expected to fill the
role of a secondary vocalist. Tyler said “If you all think I have the chops to fulfill the role of lead
vocalist, I am all in for it.” Just like that, the voice of Nostalgia Lane was chosen